¡Cubanos por la unidad familiar!
We are thousands of Cuban professionals and technicians, living in different parts of the world, to whom the government of Cuba denies the right to visit to our own country and, with it, the right to be with our families. In Cuba we have children, parents, grandparents and siblings and even seriously ill relatives to whom the authorities have also denied the company of their loved ones in difficult times, while others did not even get to say their final farewells. Due to our decision to abandon State contracts abroad, known as ‘international missions’, this government allegedly call us “deserters” to the country and, in reprisal, and with no prior consultation with the Cuban people, imposes on us a minimum of 8 years ban to return to Cuba, unless we agree to return for good.
‘No Somos Desertores’ (We are not deserters), our generic name, responds to our refusal to be called traitors to the country just because we terminated a work agreement abroad. The hiring and rendering of services provided by Cuban citizens around the world is and should be solely of a humanitarian nature, and it is under such humanitarian principle that we demand of the Cuban government to repeal the state policy that prevents us from visiting our country of birth, in the name of the unity of thousands of Cuban families.
NoSomosDesertores was born on October 30, 2017 with the creation of the Facebook group #Nosomosdesertores #Somoscubanoslibres (We are not deserters. We are free Cubans), two days after Cuban minister for Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla announced changes to the Migration Law No. 1312. By virtue of same, the 5 year ban to entry the country was lifted for the illegal emigrants, while the 8 year ban against the ones that had abandoned “international missions” abroad was left intact. Since then, we have dedicated our struggle for our rights as Cuban citizens, namely the right to freedom of movement and the right to be with our love ones, in the name of the unity of the Cuban family. To this end we have embarked on a reorganization process that has allowed the creation of different online information platforms through which the world can know first-hand who we are and what we want. You are welcome to support us and to follow us on Facebook
On January 30 of this year 2018, we personally handed a letter to the Vice President of the European Parliament Pavel Telicka, within the framework of the Cuban National Meeting in Miami, and to which we were cordially invited. On that occasion we asked Parliament to intercede on our behalf with the Cuban government, in the face of the humanitarian crisis suffered by the Cuban family due to a discriminatory migration act by the Cuban government that condemns us to 8 years of exile, and represents a flagrant violation of:
· The Constitution of the Republic of Cuba (Spanish version)
· The Cuban Family Code and the Cuban Code for Childhood and Youth
· The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
· The International Convention on the Rights of the Child
· The Convention on Social and Cultural Economic Rights
· The Convention on Civil and Political Rights
· The United Nations Conventions on Labour Rights.
We do not demand more than our legitimate rights: the right to visit our own country and the right to enjoy our family.
On May 12, 2018, we joined forces with The Association of Free Cuban Residents in Brazil, made up of Cuban medical personnel and represented by the Brazilian lawyer André S Corrêa, and together we held a peaceful demonstration in commemoration of Mother's Day.
“With the objective of claiming basic rights inherent to the dignity of the human beign” we gathered in several cities: Brasilia and Sao Paulo, Bogotá, Louisville, Tampa, Miami and Houston, and also in diferent parts of Ecuador and Ireland.
Parallel to this on Twitter we called for a social media campaign in Twitter on Saturday 12th until Sunday 13th using the hashtag #CubanosPorLaUnidadFamiliar.
To all of you who got involved: thank you very much for your support!
We will not stop until our rights are restored.
On April 12, 2018, we managed to take our case to the VIII Summit of the Americas through the intervention of Roberto Santana, a member of our Facebook group #NoSomosDesertores #SomosCubanosLibres, in an Alternative Conference to the Summit that took place in the Congress of Peru. Santana also met with High Commissioner Margarette May Macaulay, President of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights who collected our complaints for further investigation.
The echo of the pain and the determination of thousands of Cuban families were felt at the Summit.
Is NoSomosDesertores (NSD) a political association?
No. The Association has a non-denominational character and declares itself outside of any partisan political commitment.
Is NSD a non-profit organization?
We are not registered as a NGO yet. It is our intention to do so in the future.
Are you open to collaboration with other institutions/individuals?
Yes. We welcome collaborations with any organization, movement or association that contributes to our objectives, as long as it does not imply the acquisition of commitments with its religious orientations or its political agenda.
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